Being married to and working with an international film director has its perks, I won't lie. One of the highlights of our calendar is our Cannes pilgramige every June.
It is a magical time. We escape the frigid cold of Cape Town and head for the red carpet glam of the Croisette where the sun is warm, the sea cool and the rosé always perfectly chilled. The Mediterranean washes away your cares and the Gutter Bar steals your pride. But most importantly, it's a chance meet up with all of our international clients, most of whom attend Cannes, whilst also forging relationships with new clients.
Highlights for 2018: the villa party with our dear clients at Family Films in Ukraine, who always put together the best event at their classic art nouveau villa overlooking the city, and of course the always-fabulous South African party that gives us the warm and fuzzy’s and makes us proud to be who we are.
